The STREGA LoRa wireless smart valve is a battery operated valve of industrial grade quality and of exclusive design with embedded LoRaWAN wireless technology and automation features.

- Long range wireless, battery operated LoRaWAN valve
- Solenoid or Motorized valve technologies
- “Smart” operations: pulse counting, shut-off based on Digital Inputs change or counter value, time-controlled Open/Close, etc.
- Ultra-low consumption (10+ years autonomy)
- Fraud resistant with tamper
- License free operation on EU868 (Europe, Middle East) – US915 (North & South America/Australia) – AU915 (South America/Australia), AS923 (-1, -2, -3, -4) and IN865 (India – Class A only)
- IoT ready (compliant with all Internet of Things platforms)
- DN10 (3/8”) to DN80 (3”) – bigger valve sizes using add-on board
- Bi-directional deep indoor communication
- Industrial grade (PN25, IP67, fluid up to 140°C/60°F,…)
- Extreme range links: 15+ km/10+ mi. in LOS – 2+ km/1+ mi. in urban areas – 22+ floors inside buildings
- Available with minimal flow in close position (trickle of 50L/h) and “slow closing” edition
- Android/iOS mobile App
!!! Updated 2025 Edition !!!
- Same valve actuator for Motorized or Solenoid valve
- Bluetooth for local control/LoRaWAN debug/settings
- LoRaWAN Class A (battery operated) or Class C (external power supply 12VDC)
- Automatic flushing sequences
- Pulse counting up to 20Hz to water meters (+ 2x Digital Inputs if combined on solenoid valves)
- LoRaWAN 1.04 standards – EU868, US915, AS923 (-1,-2,-3,-4)
- Optimized consumption: 10+ years autonomy on a single battery
- Use our recommended valves or your own valves

Your STREGA valve is also capable of automatic operations such as decrementing a preset counter value representing the permitted monthly amount of liters and performing an automatic closing when the allowed amount is reached. This counter preset can be modified on-air at any time.